A Wilderness Novel


New Wild Novella Published!


Jesus and John Muir: A Wilderness Novel

Now on Kindle!

Author:  Chris Highland

Publisher:  CreateSpace (with Amazon)

Publishing Date:  August 2010

Order:  Createspace or Amazon

from the Back Cover:

“I met someone out there.  He was no angel or prophet.  I don’t think he was.  He became my teacher, my rabbi, as no other rabbi.  His name is John, and he comes from a green, rocky island, laced with rivers and lakes—“lochs” he calls them—far across the Great Sea.  He taught me to learn from the land, from the earth.  He got me to swim again!  Then, he left me with a sadness I hadn’t felt since father was taken.”

What happened to the young Jesus before he matured and became the inspiration for one of the great religions of the world? This book presents one possibility: that Jesus of Nazareth met at least one person who became his mentor in relationship with the earth, the land, the natural world of a small patch of rocky ground called Israel-Palestine.  What better figure from history to place in this role than the reverently unbound Scottish botanist, geologist, naturalist and wise spiritual explorer, John Muir?

Whatever your beliefs or images may be, the adventures and conversations of Jesus and John will make you smile, reflect and dream.  Their experiences in Nature may draw you out into your own wilderness where the voice of each might still be calling.

Jesus and John Muir (2010)